"Chamber Music" at the Play Ground
The Duluth Play Ground 11 E. Superior St., Duluth, Minnesota 55802
Women in Theatre present "Chamber Music," a one-act play by absurdist playwright Arthur Kopit. It's 1938 and eight famous women from eight different historical periods are together in the same insane asylum. Though set in a dreary setting, the triumph of this play is the beauty and strength of these women's personalities in a world of violence and fear. The women are, or at least they believe they are, author Gertrude Stein, martyr Joan of Arc, activist Susan B. Anthony, politician Queen Isabella I of Spain, Contanze Mozart (wife of the famed composer), pilot Amelia Earhart, silent-film actress Pearl White and explorer Osa Johnson. Show is at 7:30 p.m. All tickets are $10, available online at duluthplayground.org or at the door the night of the performance.