11th Annual Lundie Vacation Home Tour
Cross River Heritage Center 7932 W. Hwy 61, Schroeder, Minnesota 55613
The 11th Annual Lundie Vacation Home Tour in the Schroeder/Tofte, Minnesota, area will be July 11, starting at 1 p.m. The tour will feature six sites, all on the North Shore of Lake Superior, and will end with a picnic at a Lundie cabin on the shore, wrapping up at 7 or 7:30 p.m. The event is a fundraiser for the Schroeder Area Historical Society and Cross River Heritage Center. The cost is $150 donation. During the morning, there's a talk that's free and open to the public with Spike Carlsen, carpenter, woodworker and author of Cabin Lessons and A Splintered History of Wood, and an introduction by Dale Mulfinger, architect and author of Back to the Cabin, The Cabin, and The Architecture of Edwin Lundie. The talk is at Schroeder Town Hall at 10 a.m. There also will be book signings by Spike and Dale.