20th anniversary exhibit, Begin | Continue
Johnson Heritage Post Art Gallery 115 West Wisconsin Street, Grand Marais, Minnesota
A celebratory 20th anniversary exhibit titled "Begin | Continue" featuring the work of North House instructors, as well as a photographic history of North House. They have invited instructors to reflect on their work in the context of traditional craft and to think about their own personal and creative evolution. The exhibit will be on display at Johnson Heritage Post in Grand Marais, Minn. from Friday, Nov. 17–Saturday, Dec. 16, 2017.
20th Anniversary Craft Exhibit Festive Opening Reception: Friday, Nov. 17, 4-6 p.m. at the Johnson Heritage Post Gallery: 115 W Wisconsin St., Grand Marais, MN 55604. For additional information, please visit: https://northhouse.org/events/winterers-gathering