Albert Woolson Remembrance Dinner
St. Louis County Heritage and Arts Center (Depot) 506 West Michigan Street, Duluth, Minnesota 55802
A dinner and program August 2 at the Duluth Depot will honor Albert Woolson, the last surviving Union Army soldier who was a citizen of Duluth for much of the later part of his life. He died in Duluth in 1956. The St. Louis County Historical Society and its Veterans’ Memorial Hall Program, in collaboration with the Lake Superior Railroad Museum and David Wisted American Legion Post 28, will commemorate the 60th anniversary of the passing of Albert Woolson starting at 4 p.m. outside the Depot with a rededication of the Woolson statue. Civil War reenactors will be present. A social hour at 5 p.m. will follows with an opportunity to tour for free the Lincoln Funeral Car exhibit in the Lake Superior Railroad Museum, along with the newly created Albert Woolson exhibit and Civil War artifact exhibit. Veterans’ Memorial Hall’s long-term exhibit, Generations of Service, will also be open to dinner guests. The buffet dinner will be served at 6 p.m. by Kurtz Catering. Ken Buehler, executive director of the Lake Superior Railroad Museum and Historic Union Depot Corporation, will give a presentation on Albert Woolson at 7 p.m. To reserve tickets ($20) or for further information, contact the St. Louis County Historical Society at 218-733-7586, or visit