Northern Lights Quilting Guild Bi-Annual Quilt Show
Ironwood Memorial Building 213 South Marquette, Ironwood, Michigan 49938
Northern Lights Quilting Guild's 10th Bi-Annual Show will be September 15 at the Ironwood Memorial Building, 213 S. Marquette, Ironwood, Michigan, with quilts on display from area quilters. The show also includes "New" Bras for a Cause display and donation, quilt shop vendors, quilts for sale, quilt raffle, silent auction and door prizes. Proceeds benefit guild projects. The guild sews chemotherapy scarves, hospice quilts, Salvation Army quilts and quilted/sewn projects for others in need. Guild funds also promote the art of quilting by bringing nationally-known teachers to the Gogebic Iron Range to conduct seminars and workshops. Additional information about the Guild and show can be found at Admission is $3. The show runs 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.