Bridesmaids Ball
Greysolon Plaza 231 East Superior Street, Duluth, Minnesota 55802
Bridesmaids Ball is a fundraiser for local kids with disabilities and complex medical issues treated by Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare. In Duluth, Gillette has a clinic on London Road at the Lakewalk Center, with a hospital campus in St. Paul. Last year, Gillette treated more than 400 kids from the Northland. The ball will be in the Moorish Room, Greysolon Plaza, 231 E. Superior Stree. The Grand March for the Dress Competition starts at 8:30 p.m. Local celebrity judges determine the winners. For more information, contact Becky Holst, Children's Miracle Network Hospitals, Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare, 218-624-4790.