Flashlight Tour at Fairlawn Mansion & Museum
Fairlawn Mansion 906 E. 2nd, Superior, Wisconsin 54880
Fairlawn Mansion & Museum is offering its flashlight tour September 13 (Friday the 13th). Learn about Victorian superstitions from the macabre to the frivolous, and see for yourself if the ghosts come out after dark. Group tours leave every half-hour beginning at 7:30 p.m. The last tour departs at 9:30 p.m. Cost is $9 for adults, $7.50 for seniors and students. The tour is not recommended for children age 5 and under. The mansion will be darkened, and guests are asked to bring a flashlight. For more details, go to superiorpublicmuseums.org, or call 715-394-5712. The tours also will be offered October 27-30.