Geek Prom 2013
The Underground 506 W. Michigan St., Duluth, Minnesota 55802
Hundreds of adult misfits, age 21 and older, will gather at the 2013 Geek Prom to properly celebrate the inner nerd in us all! The every-other-year gala features awkward romance, cheesy music and spastic fits of clumsy dancing. For those who were too geeky to attend their high school prom, it's a chance to finally be accepted. For those who were too cool to properly enjoy their high school prom, it's an opportunity to finally let that inner geek shine. Plan on wearing something festive: out-of-style formal wear, superhero outfits, futuristic ensembles designed for casual space travel, or uniforms from any marching band, Girl Scout troop or other such geek activity.
8 p.m. to midnight, $15. Tickets sold in advance online and at the door.