14th annual Gitchi-Gami Trail Association North Shore Bike Ride
Gooseberry Falls State Park 3206 Highway 61 East, Two Harbors, City of, Minnesota 55616
Ride 28 or 34 miles in the 14th annual Gitchi-Gami Trail Association North Shore Bike Ride Saturday, August 16. The recreational bike ride will again begin and end at Gooseberry Falls State Park between Two Harbors and Silver Bay, Minnesota, on Highway 61. The ride begins at 9 a.m. Riders are requested to depart by 10:30 a.m. Because of road construction, this year’s ride has some important changes. The short ride – 28 miles out and back on the Gitchi-Gami State Trail from Gooseberry through Split Rock Lighthouse State Park, continuing to the rest stop at the Beaver Bay trailhead, and returning – will take place as usual. The medium 37-mile loop and long 55-mile loop will not be options this year. An alternative medium ride – 34 miles out and back on the newest trail segment from Beaver Bay to Silver Bay – is being offered. Snacks and refreshments will be provided at the Beaver Bay rest stop and post-ride. Mechanical, emergency and sag support will be provided. Details are at www.ggta.org, or contact Bill Blank at annualride@ggta.org, or 218-370-1003.