Innovative Ideas for Our Local Economy
Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center 29270 County Hwy. G, Ashland, Wisconsin 54806
A variety of new approaches to community economic development have emerged in recent years — new business ownership models, locally-supported agriculture, and creative financing, to name a few.
Sarah McKinley will talk about these and other real-world examples Wednesday, June 22 at 7 p.m. at the Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center.
Sponsored by the League of Women Voters, WITC and the Northland College Center for Rural Communities, this is the second in a two-part series on community economic development.
McKinley is manager of community development programs at the Democracy Collaborative in Washington D.C., where she oversees the Learning/Action Lab for Community Wealth Building, a multi-year initiative supported by the Northwest Area Foundations.
She co-authored Cities Building Community Wealth, The Anchor Dashboard: Aligning Institutional Practice to Meet Low-Income Community Needs, and Raising Student Voices: Student Action for University Community Investment.
This event, funded in part by the Wirtanen Family Fund of the Duluth Superior Area Community Fund, is free and open to the public.