LLO Science Friday
Great Lakes Aquarium 353 Harbor Dr., Duluth, Minnesota 55802
The scientists and staff of UMD's Large Lakes Observatory (LLO) invite the public to board and tour the Blue Heron research vessel and indulge in science. LLO is offering “LLO Science Friday," with presentations on scientific topics on the following Fridays in 2013: April 26, May 31, August 30, September 27, October 25.
The Large Lakes Observatory operates the largest university-owned research vessel (R/V) in the Great Lakes, the R/V Blue Heron. The Blue Heron is part of the University National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS), and is chartered by research scientists on any of the Great Lakes. The R/V Blue Heron will tie up on “LLO Science Friday” in the Twin Ports Harbor at the Great Lakes Aquarium, 353 Harbor Drive.
At each session, one of LLO's scientists will provide a presentation (330pm – 430pm) on recent global large lake research. The premiere presentation on April 26 will feature Dr. Erik Brown’s research on: “Lakes of Chilean Patagonia: What can the past tell us about future challenges?” The following presentation on May 31 will be on: "Impact of the 2012 Flood on Lake Superior," featuring Dr. Elizabeth Minor’s research.