McDougall's Dream
Richard I. Bong Veterans Historical Center 305 Harbor View Pkwy., Superior, Wisconsin 54880
1 – 5 p.m. Daytime Talks, $15.00
at the Richard I Bong Veterans Historical Center
Guest speakers include, Tom Hollenhorst, ecologist with the U.S. EPA, local diver and historian Elmer Engman, Professor Maggie Scheibe - Collections, Superior Public Museusms, and Teddie Meronek, local historian and librarian.
5 – 9 p.m. Evening Program, $40.00
at the Richard I Bong Veterans Historical Center
- SS Meteor tours -Explore the “nooks and crannies” of your favorite ship
- Silent Auction featuring unique art, private tours and local services
- Buffet Dinner-by the Duluth Grill & Roy’s old-fashioned button box tunes
Keynote Presentation
Professor Matthew Daley, Grand Valley State University
Into the Storm: Alexander McDougall and the Whalebacks Face the 1913 White
For more details on the daytime presentations and the keynote address, along with event details, please visit
Combined ticket for both daytime and evening programs – $45