Mush for a Cure Fun Run
Gunflint Lodge 143 South Gunflint Lake, Grand Marais, Minnesota 55604
The Mush for a Cure Fun Run is a non-competitive sled dog run to raise money for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Starts at noon on Gunflint Lake. In 2011, a check for $32,000 was sent to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. The goal this year is to raise another $30,000. The run is from noon to 3 p.m., with opportunities to see the dog teams along the trail. Suggested sites: Gunflint Pines Resort for the start; along the trail at Gunflint Lake boat landing, Iron Lake Access, Old Gunflint Trail (both west and east ends); and at Poplar Lake at Windigo Lodge, Norwester Lodge; and finally the finish at Trail Center Lodge. All locations are on the Gunflint Trail. From 2-4 p.m., teams will be coming into the finish line at Trail Center Lodge, and there will be a finishers' bonfire, hot dog/marshmallow roast and party tent sponsored by Trail Center Lodge.