North Shore Eighth Lundie/Vacation Home Tour
Cross River Heritage Center 7932 W. Hwy 61, Schroeder, Minnesota 55613
North Shore Eighth Lundie/Vacation Home Tour features six Lake Superior vacation homes designed by Dale Mulfinger (author, architect). Dale will also be at the Cross River Heritage Center for a talk on cabins and signing of his books, The Cabin, Cabinology and The Architecture of Edwin Lundie. Lundie sites will be shown, including the Olson timber-frame cabin with landscaping and guesthouse featured in Lake Superior Magazine. Also, the Kromschroeder cabin featured on the cover of The Architecture of Edwin Lundie. This is a fundraiser for the Schroeder Area Historical Society. A donation of $150 per person to SAHS is required for the tour, with an RSVP through The Cross River Heritage Center. Call the center at 218-663-7706 or go to