Sixth Annual WritersRead: Transformation
Northland College 1411 Ellis Ave., Ashland, Wisconsin 54806
First there was love, then food, travel, elements and taboos. For its sixth year, WritersRead is exploring the most universal theme of all: transformation.
Some 23 writers from the northern region have been selected to read their transformative works in the Northland College Alvord Theatre, Saturday, January 30 at 7:30 p.m.
WritersRead is a writing event, where organizers choose a theme and the community responds, submitting work on that theme. Judges Cynthia Belmont, Gina Kirsten, and Claire Duquette selected works from more than sixty entries.
The event is hosted and organized by the Northland College Writing Department with cosponsorship from Aqueous Magazine. Wisconsin Public Radio will be taping the event.
Readers include: Lucie Amundsen, Mary Bode, Lori Cannon, Eric Chandler, Jan Chronister, Laura Comer, Carol Dunbar, Diana Granger, Brontë Gross, Rob Ganson, LK Kaiser, Meridel Kahl, Colene Lee, Liz Minette, Laurie Otis, Susan Pearl-Dewey, Howard Paap, Deborah Rasmussen, Mary Brigh Ringberg, Felicia Schneiderhan, J.W. Sutton, Jr., and Karen Turner.