Tahquamenon Country Sled Dog Race
Muskallonge Lake State Park 30042 County Road 407, Newberry, Michigan 49868
One of the Midwest’s most prominent mid-distance sled dog races will be held in a new location this year. The Tahquamenon Country Sled Dog Race will be hosted this winter by Muskallonge Lake State Park from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 5.
The race is a combination of pro and sport classes with professional 12-dog and eight-dog teams running 60 and 40 miles, respectively, and with sports classes of two- to six-dog teams running from 4 to 30 miles. The race will begin and end at the park’s day-use area.
Held the first weekend in January each year, the race is always one of the first of the mushing season and draws mushers from throughout the Midwest, Canada and, occasionally, Alaska.
Race watchers also can join representatives from the Luce County Sheriff’s Department from 11 a.m. until noon for an informal demonstration and tips on snowmobile safety.
A bonfire and concession stand will be available for those needing to warm up.
A free demonstration on snowshoeing will be offered from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the park. Guests are invited to see how it’s done and then give it a try, free of charge. All ages are welcome, and snowshoes are available on loan. To check out a pair, meet at the bonfire. A limited number of snowshoes will be available.