Upper Great Lakes Law and Policy Symposium
Greysolon Ballroom by Black Woods 231 E. Superior St., Duluth, Minnesota 55802
Join law and policy experts from the U.S. and Canada in Duluth, Minn., on March 24 from 8 a.m. – 6:30 p.m., to explore transboundary water challenges and how to manage them within the Great Lakes Basin.
The hottest Great Lakes topics are on the table including water levels and water diversion, aquatic invasive species, climate change, mining and more.
The lineup of invited speakers and panelists is impressive, including law school and science faculty, dignitaries from the governments of U.S. and Canada, and state lawmakers.
Delegates from the Department of State's International Visitor Leadership Program representing China, Israel, Mexico, Russia, Tanzania and Vietnam will be attending to assess U.S. transboundary water management programs and discuss cooperative strategies to establish bilateral, regional and global dialogues on shared water resources.
A charter bus will run between the Humphrey School of Public Affairs (West Bank campus of UMN) to the Greysolon Ballroom (Duluth). Departing at 5:30 a.m. (MPLS) and 6:30 p.m. (Duluth). $10 per person for those who have registered for the symposium. After registering for the symposium, send your name and email address to sangradi@umn.edu or call 218-726-6209 to be added to the list. Money will be collected as you board the bus.
CLE’s (3) awarded from the Minnesota Bar Association.
Registration is $60. Students interested in law and policy can attend for free. Registration closes on March 18. Register online: https://ibex.d.umn.edu/biz/seagrant/symposium, or call Minnesota Sea Grant at 218-726-8106.
The University of Minnesota Sea Grant Program, the University of Minnesota Law School and the Sea Grant Law Center are hosting the symposium with major support from NOAA Sea Grant, the Consulate General of Canada in Minneapolis, and the University of Minnesota Duluth.