VMH 5K Fun Run
Twig Bakery 3930 East Calvary Road, Duluth, Minnesota 55803
The St. Louis County Historical Society invites the public to participate in the VMH 5K Fun Run, a fundraiser for its Veterans’ Memorial Hall Program. The race begins at 9 a.m. Saturday, May 17, at Twig Bakery, 3930 East Calvary Rd., Duluth. Free parking is available for participants across the street in the Voyageur Bus Company lot. Registration forms are available at the administrative office of the St. Louis County Historical Society, 506 West Michigan Street, Duluth, Minnesota or on the Society’s website at www.thehistorypeople.org/events.asp. Completed forms may be returned with payments (cash or check) to the society’s administrative office. Online registration with a credit card is available at www.tempotickets.com/vmh5k. Registration fees may apply for online registration. If registering a team, state the team name and register each member individually. The registration fee includes a race T-shirt and refreshments. Awards will be given to the top racers in each age group for males and females and teams of five members. For more information, contact John Werner, Veterans’ Memorial Hall Advisory Committee Member, at 218-343-8849, or wernercsm@gmail.com. Veterans’ Memorial Hall was established in 1910 and is a joint program of the St. Louis County Historical Society and the military service veterans of northeastern Minnesota with a mission to gather, preserve, interpret, and promote the rich and diverse human experiences of veterans, their families and communities, through museum, archival and educational programs. Its website, www.vets-hall.org, and archives feature more than 6,000 veteran stories.