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Fate of Mercy Alban
The Fate of Mercy Alban by Wendy Webb.2 of 2

Stone Ridge Press
Get Close & Get the Shot
Get Close & Get the Shot by Sparky Stensaas. DVD, 90 minutes.The Fate of Mercy Alban
by Wendy Webb
ISBN: 9768-1-4013-4193-0
$15.99 Softcover
We’re still small town enough around Lake Superior to get a thrill when a local person makes a national splash – especially for a local author who brings a local setting to a wide-release book.
This second gothic-style novel by Duluth resident Wendy Webb takes place at Duluth’s Glensheen mansion, disguised as Alban House. There’s plenty of death, disappearances, romantic interests and plot twists that follow Grace Alban as she unravels her family’s hidden past and discovers the skeletons in her family closet. But it’s also a great treat to enjoy Wendy’s descriptions of local settings.
As we head into a time of year when picking up the right book for a beach-lounging afternoon, it might just be fate if you find yourself in the company of this set of strangers in familiar settings. – Konnie LeMay
Get Close & Get the Shot: Wildlife Photography Tips & Tricks
by Sparky Stensaas
Stone Ridge Press
ISBN: 978-0-9760313-6-9
$29.95 DVD
In his new instructional video, wildlife photographer Sparky Stensaas offers up a variety of simple tips for nature photography on everything from the kinds of equipment to buy to the building of blinds. Sparky being Sparky (readers of this magazine may be familiar with his stories and his photography), the DVD is interspersed with a good dose of humor. Sparky’s specialty is bird photography, but the majority of his tips and tricks can be applied to the pursuit of any wild critter.
In the DVD, Sparky demonstrates the practical use of his advice during outings in the Northland. After each segment, he shows a sampling of the images from that day. More than just a great primer on wildlife photography, Get Close & Get the Shot is a reminder that the wonders of the natural world are never far, especially when you live by or visit the Big Lake. – Phil Bencomo
The items reviewed here, unless indicated, should be available through local booksellers by using the ISBN number. More regional reviews can be seen on www.LakeSuperior.com.