Author and humorist Gina Ramsey from Superior released Volume II of her now series, Burnt Gloveboxes, in January 2025. We chatted with Gina about what brought her to writing and humor. She is an admitted fan of Erma Bombeck and has gotten inspiration – and writing buddies – through the Erma Bombeck Writing Workshop. She co-hosts with Debbie Turrise a podcast called "Laugh Lines and Turbulence with Deb & Gina." Calling herself an "authorpreneur," Gina explains her philosophy of "Find the Funny."
Lake Superior Magazine: Where did you grow up? If not here ... when did you arrive?
Gina Ramsey: I was born and raised in the western suburbs of Chicago. My husband and I moved to Arkdale, Wis, in 1992. We then moved to Stevens Point in 1998. In 2013, we moved to Superior after I landed a social work position here. We always said we wanted to move to Florida, but somehow life had a better plan for us. It's a good thing. We love it here AND we don't have to contend with hurricanes or alligators!
LSM: When did you first start writing … and what drew you to it?
GR: After years of experiencing crazy mishaps and sharing these stories with others, I aspired to write a humor book to include all of these stories. I joined a women's networking group and became acquainted with other women who had written books, as well as women who work in publishing. Meeting these ladies and receiving encouragement from them was the boost I needed to begin writing. I signed up for NaNoWriMo – National Novel Writing Month – in November 2021 and began writing my book. During the process, I signed up for a memoir writing class to learn the step by step process of writing a compelling story. I was hooked! At 54 years old, I finally found my people and my purpose.
LSM: What have been a couple "life changing" experiences for your writing?
GR: My goal has always been to bring joy and happiness to our world through my words. After my first book was released, I had a friend reach out to me. She informed me "Gina, my mother has been ill for a very long time. I purchased a copy of your book and gave it to her. I was watching her giggle as she was reading on her front porch. This is the first time I've seen her smile in a long time." At that moment, I knew I was accomplishing my mission of bringing joy and happiness to our world.
It didn't end there. I had parents sending me photos of reading Burnt Gloveboxes bedtime stories with their kids at night.
As writers, many of us experience what's called the imposter syndrome (I call these the Imposter Monsters). The voice of discouragement from within trying to convince you, "You will never be good enough." These events above are what help me to silence the monsters and continue to do what I was put on this planet to do: Create positive change through my writing.
In addition, writing has opened the door to making important connections stateside and globally. I've connected with writers in all genres – including my fellow humor writers, readers and others who have a dream to write and want to know how I got from Point A to B. I take pride in helping others where I can, to make their journey a little less overwhelming.
LSM: Why did you find you needed a Volume 2 - and how is it different (and the same) as the first Burnt Gloveboxes?
GM: The original transcript I submitted to my publisher included all the stories from the first Burnt Gloveboxes and Volume II. One thing I learned through this process is book genres have a standard on the number of pages/words. My transcript had enough stories for two books.
Volume II is the same and continuation of my life's mishap scenarios, it differs in one way. Volume II has a few stories from other people who share their own Burnt Gloveboxes scenarios. Volume II is the launch to the Burnt Gloveboxes Anthology. Beginning in Spring 2025, there will be open submission periods in which others can share their own Murphy's Law stories. I have a plethora of fun topics for future anthologies, the first will be "Animal Mishaps." Those who have stories to share should stay tuned to my website www.ginaramseyauthor.com for information to come.
LSM: Tell us about your life's philosophy: Find the Funny. What do you do to keep on track with that and how has it enhanced your life and your writing?
GR: "Find the Funny" is simply a way to shift one's mindset. When a mishap happens, we have a few options. Freak out, get all stressed out, find unhealthy ways of coping with the situation OR "find the funny" or at least the positive in any given situation. Each of us has a choice on how we handle every hand life deals to us. There are numerous studies that show the negative impacts of stress on the body and how negative draws more negative. On the other hand, laughter and focusing on the positive is proven to be healthy for your entire health and well-being.
Have I always laughed during an irritating situation? No. There were times I wanted to cry, scream or simply had to hold my breath. But in the end I was able to take a step back and say, "Wow, look at the irony of that," or "Wow, the situation could have been so much worse." This outlook helps to shift my mindset and thus has enhanced my life through the power of positive thinking.
This mindset has helped both my humor and memoir writing. When it comes to my Burnt Gloveboxes stories, this stuff is just simply mind blowing, so the story literally writes itself. In memoir, this light of positivity/empathy for another/learning helps strengthen the inner story and reflection, hence connecting with readers on a deeper level.
LSM: Do you have a favorite story in the new volume?
GR: This is a difficult question to answer. Each story is unique. The "Ultimate Advertisement" is a good one. My husband unknowingly became a walking advertisement for a major fast food chain, in a relatively creepy way.
However, my heart truly connects with "The Rat Story," written by Hannah E.B – one of the Burnt Gloveboxes Community contributors. Hannah was 8 years old when she wrote this story of a mishap her family experienced. But there's more. Hannah actually included this story in a letter she wrote to me in 2006. I didn't see the letter until 2022.
I learned she'd overheard me talking with her mom about my dream of writing my Burnt Gloveboxes book "someday." Her words of encouragement were so poignant. She ended the letter with "p.s. I hope you write that book one day." This young girl believed in me before I believed in myself.
This was extremely moving to me, because in that moment I realized that my "finding the funny" philosophy was touching others for years, and solidified that I am fulfilling an important purpose in life by making our world a better place one giggle at a time.
LSM: Finally - how do people get the book and who is the publisher?
GR: Burnt Gloveboxes II: Embracing Life When It Goes Up In Flames can be ordered from local bookstores and is available on Amazon. The publisher is Highlander Press.