Twin Ports & North Shore Activities & Events
July 12-15 – Thurs.-Sun.
Canal Park/Lake Superior Maritime Visitor Center - Near the Aerial Lift Bridge, Duluth
Exhibits/activities: 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Tables with experts from Minnesota Sea Grant, Minnesota DNR, Minnesota Environmental Partnership, Save Lake Superior Association, St. Louis River Alliance, Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Lake Superior Magazine and others.
Also Saturday and Sunday (July 14-15), Lake Superior Marine Museum Association will sell “Cruise of a Lifetime” raffle tickets for an ore-boat trip at a tent onsite. Association members will provide kids’ activities, such as nautical knot-tying tips.
Great Lakes Aquarium, 353 Harbor Dr., Duluth
Activities: Family friendly activities and Craig Blacklock’s photography exhibit, “Apostle Islands and Pictured Rocks – From Land and Sea.”
Vista Fleet cruises will give stories and fascinating facts relating to Lake Superior Day and will serve meals on lake-related placemats.
Area restaurants will serve meals on Lake Superior Day placemats with games, activities and information about the Big Lake.
July 12 – Thurs.
Western Lake Superior Sanitary District, 27th Ave. West & the Waterfront, Duluth
Walking tours: 1-2:30 p.m. Wastewater Treatment facility (ages 13+) or Organics Composting facility (all ages). Learn about the biological processes that clean wastewater and turn organic material into a soil addition. Moderately strenuous (stairs, indoors & outdoors). Closed-toe footwear and pre-registration required; tours are free. 218-722-3336.
Lake Superior Maritime Visitor Center, Duluth
Presentation: 11 a.m. Denise Wolvin, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: “On a Clear, Calm Day: The Sinking of the Thomas Wilson,” the whaleback that sunk off the Duluth piers.
Presentation: 2 p.m. Center Executive Director Thom Holden, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: “Shipwrecks Here and There on the Big Lake,” a look at just a few of some 4,000 accidents on Lake Superior.
Split Rock Lighthouse State Park
Kayak tour: 4:30-8 p.m. The Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center will host a kayak tour with naturalist guides who weave stories, history and environmental information along the way. Pebble beach picnic included. There is a fee and pre-registration is required. 218-353-7414
July 13 – Fri.
Lake Superior Maritime Visitor Center
Canal Park by the Aerial Lift Bridge, Duluth
Presentation: 11 a.m. Andrew Slade, Minnesota Environmental Partnership, “People & Policies Protect Lake Superior,” on what we all can do to help protect the Big Lake.
Presentation: 2 p.m. Adele Yorde, Duluth Seaway Port Authority, on “Port of Duluth Superior: Great Lakes Cargo Capital”
July 14 – Sat.
Lake Superior Maritime Visitor Center
Exhibits: A special display by the DNR’s MinnAqua program about fish, aquatic habitats, water stewardship, fish management and fishing.
Presentation: 11 a.m. Doug Jensen, Minnesota Sea Grant, “Aliens are Invading Gitche Gumee.”
Presentation: 2 p.m. Mike Link & Kate Crowley, who walked the shoreline of Lake Superior, talk about their journey and new book, Going Full Circle: A 1,555-mile Around the World’s Largest Lake.
Lake Superior Magazine Offices, 310 E. Superior St., Duluth
Open House: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Treats, new lake-related items, clearances & sales. 4 p.m. special reception honoring Lake Superior Day Volunteers, plus special guests Mike Link & Kate Crowley will be available for visiting and book signing.
July 15 – Sun. - Lake Superior Day
Area Churches
Several area churches celebrate with Lake Superior Day services. Check with individual churches.
Sugarloaf Cove Nature Center - Turn at mile 73.3 on Highway 61
Activities: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Hands-on activities all day as part of the festivities. Hiking trails open all day.
Music: 2 p.m. The Fish Heads – enjoy foot-tapping bluegrass and Lake Superior songs with Kim and Mike Munson.
Barker’s Island Festival Park - On the waterfront, Superior
Exhibits/activities: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Exhibits, vendors, music, poetry, kids’ activities and a native plant sale. near the new National Estuarine Research Reserve offices. Unveiling of the Superior Council of the Arts “Postcards from Our Estuary” entries.
Awards: 1 p.m. Lake Superior Binational Forum presents its annual Environmental Stewardship Awards to individuals and organizations.
Gooseberry Falls State Park
Exhibits/activities: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. A full day of activities focusing on the Lake Superior Watershed & its unique and sensitive landscape, its flora & fauna, and how we can help keep it clean and healthy.
Cook County Historical Society, 8 S. Broadway, Grand Marais
Films/exhibits: 3-5 p.m. A film festival, part of WTIP radio’s year-long Lake Superior Project, will feature “Grandmothers Gathering for Gitchigaaming,” shot on Madeline Island by director Lorraine Norrgard, who will lead a discussion, and the film, “Paddle to the Sea.” An exhibit of community art and essays reflect connections to Lake Superior.
Wade Stadium, Grand Ave. & 34th Ave. W., Duluth
5 p.m. Special acknowledgement of Lake Superior Day at the Northwoods League baseball game Duluth Huskies vs. Thunder Bay Border Cats.
Many state parks and other venues along the Minnesota North Shore offer regular lake-related activities. Find details at www.LakeSuperior.com
Wisconsin South Shore Activities & Events
July 14 – Sat.
Events begin in Port Wing at 9 a.m. at Town Hall, followed by events in Herbster and Cornucopia. For more details, go to southshorewi.com.
Port Wing Town Hall, Port Wing
Quilt show, farmers market, craft show, kids’ corner, exhibits by Iron River Fish Hatchery, demonstration of flower pounded originals and forest art, and Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers Boat Decontamination Unit will do free power washings of boats, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Craig Blacklock - Lake Superior Images, with nature photographer and author Craig Blacklock, Blacklock Photography Galleries. 10-11 a.m.
Laura Erickson, “For The Birds” author and radio producer, 11 a.m.- noon.
Everett Fisheries Smoke House
Open house, noon-2 p.m.
Woody’s and Pine Cone Ole’s
Sidewalk barbecue, 1-5 p.m.
South Shore Convenience Store
Ice cream social, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
On the beach west of the Marina, Lost Creek Adventures does paddleboard demonstrations, 10 a.m.-noon.
Green Shed
Nature walk to the sea caves led by Tom Gerstenberger and John Higney, 1 p.m. Meet at the Green Shed in Cornucopia (limit 20 people).
Lake Superior Ed-Ventures: Precious Metal Clay Silversmith Jewelry Making and Roman’s Point Sit-On-Top Kayak Sea Tour. See Lost Creek Adventures website at www.lostcreekadventures.org to pre-register.
Historic Cornucopia Museum
Open noon-5 p.m.
Artist Sally Bowker speaks about how Lake Superior has influenced her art, 3 p.m.
Fish tacos, wine and beer, $4 each, 4:30 p.m.
The Sons of Baltimore provide live music for dancing, 6-9 p.m.