Paul Hayden / Lake Superior Magazine
NPLSF 051812
From left front: Dave Miller of Superior (NPLSF board member); Bob Krumenaker (superintendent at Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, Wisconsin); Tim Cochrane (superintendent at Grand Portage National Monument, Minnesota); Lynn Moon of Marquette, Michigan (NPLSF board member); Frida Waara of Marquette (NPLSF board member and correspondent for Lake Superior Magazine); Karin Van Dyke of Hancock, Michigan (NPLSF board member). From left in back: Julius Erlenbach of Duluth (NPLSF board member); Pam McClelland of Washington, D.C. (NPLSF board member); Jim Northup (superintendent at Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Michigan); Mike Pflaum (superintendent at the Keweenaw National Historical Park, Michigan); Phyllis Green (superintendent at Isle Royale National Park, Michigan); Carol Brady of Marquette (chairwoman of NPLSF).The National Parks of Lake Superior Foundation met recently at our Lake Superior Magazine office in Duluth. The foundation supports preservation and enhancement of the natural and cultural resources of the five national parks located around the Big Lake – Grand Portage National Monument in Minnesota; Apostle Islands National Lakeshore in Wisconsin; and the Keweenaw National Historical Park, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore and Isle Royale National Park in Michigan.
The foundation has raised funds for a number of projects in each of the parks, ranging from bear-resistant food lockers on several islands in the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore to stabilizing the Menagerie Island Lighthouse in Isle Royale National Park to printing of a Junior Range book for the Keweenaw National Historical park.
Cindy and Paul Hayden, publishers of Lake Superior Magazine, were among those who started the foundation in 2006, and the magazine continues to be a supporter.
Members of the foundation board come from around the Lake. Here are the board members, along with the five park superintendents, who came for the board meeting in May 2012:
Find out more about the foundation at