Each issue of Lake Superior Magazine is supported by many friends in the community (The Good Guys), among them our loyal advertisers. Listed here are the current issue's list of partners, including their website, if they have one. We invite you to sample their products and services.
- AmericInn by Wyndham Silver Bay - www.AmericInn.com/hotels/mn/SilverBay
- AmericInn by Wyndham Silver City - www.Americinn.com/hotels/mi/SilverCity
- AmericInn by Wyndham Tofte Near Lake Superior - www.AmericInn.com/hotels/mn/Tofte
- Anderson Hammack Construction - www.AndersonHammack.com
- Apostle Islands Cruises - www.apostleisland.com
- At Sara's Table - Chester Creek Café - www.astccc.net
- Bad River Lodge & Casino - www.badriver.com
- Belknap Plumbling, Heating & Cooling - Belknap-Plumbing.com
- Bella Vista Motel & Cottages - www.bellavistamotel.com
- Bellisio's Italian Restaurant & Wine Bar - www.bellisios.com
- Best Western Bridgeview - www.bestwesternbridgeview.com
- Best Western Plus - Spirit Mountain - BWSpiritMountainDuluth.com
- Best Western Plus Superior Inn - www.SuperiorInnGrandMarais.com
- Blue Water Realty - www.BlueWaterRealty.org
- Boarders Inn & Suites - www.staycobblestone.com/wi/superior/
- Burlington Bay Municipal Campground - www.TwoHarborsMN.gov
- Canal Park Lodge - www.canalparklodge.com
- Cascade Lodge & Restaurant - www.cascadelodgemn.com
- Chequamegon Book Company - www.chequamegonbooks.com
- City of Thunder Bay - Tourism Division - www.visitthunderbay.com
- City of Washburn - www.cityofwashburn.org
- Comfort Suites - Canal Park - www.ChoiceHotels.com/minnesota/duluth/comfortsuites-hotels/mn031
- Copper Harbor Improvement Association - www.copperharbor.org
- Copper Peak - www.copperpeak.org
- Country Village Shops - www.copperharbor.org
- Dapple-Gray Bed and Breakfast - www.dapple-gray.com
- Delaware Underground Copper Mine Tours - www.delawarecopperminetours.com
- Duluth Seaway Port Authority - www.duluthport.com
- Eagle Lodge Lakeside Cabins - www.eaglelodgecabins-lakeside.com
- Eagle Ridge at Lutsen Mountains - www.eagleridgeatlutsen.com
- Fitger's Inn - www.fitgers.com
- Gordy's Hi-Hat - www.gordys-hihat.com
- Gordy's Warming House - www.warming-house.com
- Grand Portage Lodge & Casino - www.grandportage.com
- Grandma's Inc. - www.grandmasrestaurants.com
- Grandma's Saloon & Grill - www.grandmasrestaurants.com
- Grandma's Saloon & Grill - Miller Hill - www.grandmasrestaurants.com
- Grandpa's Barn - www.CopperHarborBooks.com
- Great Lakes Aquarium - www.glaquarium.org
- Great Lakes Fleet - www.cn.ca/greatlakesfleet
- Greater Downtown Council - www.downtownduluth.com
- Hampton Inn Duluth Canal Park - www.duluthmn.hamptoninn.com
- Harbor House Sweets - harborhousesweets.com
- Harley-Davidson Sport Center - www.hdduluth.com
- Hausers Superior View Farm - www.superiorviewfarm.com/
- Historical Society of Michigan - www.hsmichigan.org
- Hollow Rock Resort - www.hollowrockresort.com
- Ironwood Area Chamber of Commerce - www.ironwoodchamber.org
- Isle Royale Resorts LLC - www.rockharborlodge.com
- Jampot/Holy Transfiguration Skete - poorrockabbey.com
- Jeweler of the North Shore - www.jewelerofthenorthshore.com
- Keppers Design Architecture - www.keppersdesign.com
- King Copper Motel - www.kingcoppermotel.com
- Kinniwabi International Cuisine
- Lake County Chamber of Commerce - lakecounty-chamber.com
- Lake Superior Trading Post - www.lstp.com
- Laughing Loon Crafts & Gifts of the North - www.TheLaughingLoonOnline.com
- Little Angie's Cantina and Grill - www.littleangies.com
- Little Marais Lakeside Cabins - www.superiorlakesidecabins.com
- Mariner North Resort - www.manorth.com
- Maureen's LLC - www.maureensllc.com
- Missinne Greenhouse & Landscape - www.missinnegreenhouse.com
- Northland Plastic Surgery & Skin Care Center - northlandplasticsurgery.com
- Old Rittenhouse Inn - www.rittenhouseinn.com
- Oral & Maxillofacial Surgical Assoc. - www.OMSANorthland.com
- Pier B Resort Hotel - www.PierBResort.com
- Rustic Inn Café & Gift Shop - www.rusticinn.cafe
- Select Realty - Marquette - www.CarolBradyRealEstate.com
- Shoreline Resort - www.ExploringTheNorth.com/shoreline/resort.html
- Silos Restaurant at Pier B - www.pierbresort.com/food-drink
- Sir Benedict's Tavern On the Lake - www.sirbens.com
- Solbakken on Superior - www.SolbakkenOnSuperior.com
- Superior Public Museums - www.superiorpublicmuseums.org
- The Sports Garden - www.thesportsgarden.com
- The Suites Hotel at Waterfront Plaza - www.thesuitesduluth.com
- Va Bene - www.vabenecaffe.com
- Vango's Pizza & Cocktail Lounge - www.vangospizza.com
- Victoria's Cupboard - www.victoriascupboard.com
- Visit Cook County - www.visitcookcounty.com
- William A. Irvin Tours - www.decc.org
- Willows Inn B&B - www.bbcanada.com/willowsinn
- Young's General Store - www.youngsgeneralstore.com