Sew Big by Felicia Schneiderhan
Textile arts are enjoying a revival among young and old throughout the Northland. Dare we say we’ve got a close-knit community?
Sky Light, Sky Bright
Marquette photographers Shawn & Brian Malone show us that not all fall colors arrive via grand leafy landscapes. Some come out at night.
The Silver Islet Ghost by Bill MacDonald
When Sir Arthur Conan Doyle visited the shores of Lake Superior, he vowed to help Aunt Muriel contact her stepfather … her late stepfather.
Lake Superior Living
Home: Rock Solid Idea by Ada Igoe
A Minnesota resort cabin makeover shows the pluses of a metal roof.
Recipe Box: A Dish of Squash by Juli Kellner
This healthy choice is versatile and simply delicious.
Health: Staying Sharp as Seniors by Felicia Schneiderhan
In the Northland, older residents find ample ways to keep active.
Culture: New Season of Live Performance by Bob Berg
When the weather gets chilly, Northland stages heat up.
Lake Superior Recreation Guide
Tubing: A family-friendly downhill craze by Andy Bennett
Diving: Winter clears underwater views by Konnie LeMay
Roundup: Ice climbs, snowboards & more by Andy Bennett
Our 2011 Achievement Award
Honoring two sets of Water Walks protecting the Lake and all waters.
Behind the Pages
Welcome to the Big Lake
The Good Harvest by Konnie LeMay
Around the Circle/Reviews
Kitchi-Gami Almanac
Lake map & notes, water levels
Lake Superior Journal
Marcia & Her Magic Lights by Chuck Frederick
By the Shores
October Gales by Linda & Larry Dunlap
A King Thing by Felicia Schneiderhan
Travel & Events by Bob Berg
Michigan - Minnesota - Ontario - Wisconsin
Lake Superior Directory
Lake Superior Marketplace
Fall Harvest by Mike Mikulich
On the Cover Upper Peninsula northern lights. Photo by Brian & Shawn Malone