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The Care & Feeding of Museum Ships, by Konnie LeMay
It’s not easy to care for vessels carrying 100 years of history. We “meet” the museum ships berthed around Lake Superior and the boat tenders working to keep these treasures of our maritime heritage alive.
Open Waters, Bold Blossoms by Roxanne Distad
Minnesota photographer with startling colors and blue waters.
Superior Ideas
Encircling Poem, Bob Shutes has seen his poem “A Lady Ice Blue” spark the same love of the Lake in others that inspired it in him, so he’s set out on a mission to place the poem on all four shores.
Like Mother, Like Daughter, The poems of a mother and daughter, both inspired by Lake Superior.
Lake Superior Living
Home: Better by the Lake by Konnie LeMay
John and Julie Foucault knew they wanted an inland lake property for their retirement home, but they didn’t know how well computer-generated images could help them choose the best makeover.
Recipe Box: Indigenous Spring Kitchens by Beth Dooley
In reinvigorating traditional local foods, Indigenous chefs and food role models help all of us return to the ultimate “locavore” experiences.
Wellness: Gardening as Therapy by Felicia Schneiderhan
Investing in your yard and gardens – even if it’s only pots on the porch – can sprout better physical and mental health along with those veggies.
Behind the Pages
Welcome to the Big Lake: Use Your Outside Voice by Konnie LeMay
Around the Circle by Konnie LeMay
A Lightkeeper’s Tale, by Konnie LeMay
Other Reviews, by Felicia Schneiderhan
Lake Superior Journal: Old Tradition, New Season by Jon Magnuson
By the Shores: Devils Island Arch, Wisconsin by Michael DeWitt
The Vault Is Open by Bick Smith
Travel & Events by Konnie LeMay
Lake Superior Marketplace
View•Point: The Doe & the Blackbird by Connie Hartviksen