2011 Recipe Contest
This contest is closed.
Lake Superior Magazine will celebrate family traditions by choosing the best from among recipes and stories submitted to its 2011 Favorite Recipe Contest. Winning recipes will be published in the December/January 2012 issue of the magazine. Submit your family’s favorite holiday recipe(s), along with a short story about its significance to your family, by June 30, 2011.
Categories (limit two entries per category):
• Main Dish
• Side Dish or Salad
• Dessert
• Grand Prize ($100, Book, Subscription)
• Category Prizes (Book, Subscription)
Send Entries with complete information to:
Lake Superior Magazine Holiday Favorite Recipe Contest
P.O. Box 16417
Duluth, MN 55816-0417
Deadline for submission:
June 30, 2011
Rules of Entry
General Rules: The contest is open to the general public and cooking professionals - all may enter. Entrants must be legal residents of the United States or Canada, 18 years of age or older at the time of entry. Employees of Lake Superior Magazine and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate. All U.S. federal, state and local laws and regulations apply. Void where prohibited by law.
What to Enter: Submit your family’s favorite holiday recipe - the one everyone expects every year - for your Thanksgiving, Christmas or Hanukkah celebrations. Send your favorite “Main Dish,” “Side Dish or Salad” and/or “Dessert” recipes. Include the name of the dish, the ingredients used (including any specific brand preferences), exact U.S. measurements, timing, special preparation instructions and approximate number of servings. The recipe must be an original work of the entrant or entrant’s family and not have been previously published. It must not infringe on the copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity or other intellectual property rights of any person or entity.
How to Enter: Entry is free and all entries must be postmarked by June 30, 2011. Please submit original recipes, typed or clearly printed, along with entrant’s contact information - name, mailing address, daytime telephone number and e-mail - to LSM HOLIDAY FAVORITE RECIPE CONTEST, P.O. Box 16417, Duluth, MN 55816-0417 or via e-mail to recipes@lakesuperior.com. Photocopies from published cookbooks are not allowed. Entry is limited to no more than 2 recipes per category by any one entrant (for a total of 6). The three categories are “Main Dish,” “Side Dish or Salad” and “Dessert.” Entries should be accompanied by the story behind what makes this a holiday favorite at your home and from where (or whom) the recipe came. Feel free to send photos of family enjoying the dish and/or of the cook entering the recipe. All entrants, by submitting to the contest, whether they are winners or not, grant non-exclusive rights to Lake Superior Magazine to use the submitted recipe in future issues of the magazine or cookbooks, print or electronic, with proper credit given. We reserve the right to edit for clarity and brevity.
Judging: A panel of judges will be chosen by Lake Superior Magazine. Dishes will be judged on flavor, visual and olfactory appeal and feasibility, among other criteria. All decisions are final. Winning recipes will be published in the December/January 2012 issue of Lake Superior Magazine.
Prizes: One Grand Prize will be chosen in addition to a Category Winner from each individual category. The Grand Prize winner will receive $100 prize along with a signed copy of “Betty’s Pies Favorite Recipes” and a one-year subscription to Lake Superior Magazine. Category Winners in each category will receive a signed copy of “Betty’s Pies Favorite Recipes” and a one-year subscription.