"All This Is True: the art of Sue Coe and Warrington Colescott"
Tweed Museum of Art, University of Minnesota Duluth 1201 Ordean Court, Duluth, Minnesota 55812
"All This Is True: the art of Sue Coe and Warrington Colescott" is on display this summer at the Tweed Museum of Art, the University of Minnesota Duluth, through Sept. 18. As the United States moves through an election season like no other in its history, the Tweed Museum presents the work of internationally renowned political artists Sue Coe and Warrington Colescott. The exhibition includes work spanning the previous four decades, and yet the content is amazingly relevant for today, as our politicians fight for power and the question of truth doesn't seem to matter much. The exhibition includes pieces like Colescott's "At The Gun Shop," which was created in 1992, depicting a frenzy to buy guns and ammo. Today, both gun sales and gun deaths continue to rise in the United States. A piece by Coe from 1991 reads "Healthcare Not Warfare." The same is said today by supporters of Obamacare. The title of this exhibition, "All This Is True," cuts both ways. It honors the "witnessing" approach of the artists and their reliance on actual events as source material. But it also wryly claims that these strange, surreal and satirical artworks are "truth." There will be a curator's talk July 21 at 6 p.m. with curator John Schuerman discussing the exhibit's relevance to current events, sharing some stories from conversations he's had with the artists and offering his read on the artists' motivations and perspectives. There will be time for a Q&A, as well as group discussion if it arises. For more details, call 218-726-8222, or visit www.d.umn.edu/tma. Hours vary at the Tweed Museum.