Big Top's Blue Canvas Christmas
StageNorth Community Theater 123 West Omaha St., Washburn, Wisconsin 54891
Kick back and get ready for a Christmas show with revved up bluegrass, gospel, blues, folk, a capella, traditional hymn, instrumental, and rock and roll featuring Big Top Chautauqua’s Blue Canvas Orchestra. Look for songs you know and new favorites, all with the signature BCO sound. Sample highlights include traditional songs, such as “Silent Night” (an audience sing-along), “Greensleeves,” Jackson Browne’s “Rebel Jesus,” “Up on the House Top” a comic Christmas tune, driving fiddle songs, ballads with lush string arrangements, and a pub-style version of “Christmas is Coming the Goose is Getting Fat.” Tickets are $20 for adults, $18 for seniors and $12 for students 12 and under and are available in advance at StageNorth, the Big Top Washburn Box Office, or online at The show is at 7:30 p.m. More information is available at or by calling 888-BIG-TENT (888–244-8368).