Cook County History & Storytelling
Arrowhead Center for the Arts 51 West Fifth Street, Grand Marais, Minnesota 55604
Hear some of the most fascinating stories from the region at "Cook County History: Stories You’ve Never Heard & Good Ones to Hear Again!"
Ojibwe Elder Billy Blackwell shares his knowledge of local history and co-hosts with Cook County Historical Society Director Carrie McHugh
Featuring a panel of guest speakers:
Tim Cochrane - Early history of the Region
Victor Aubid - Ojibwe Migrations
Milton Powell - Saganaga Lake & Blackstone
Alta McQuatters - Lutsen Area & White Sky
Sue Kerfoot - Gunflint Lake Stories
Chester Lindskog - A Changing County
Gene Erickson - Fantastic Facts & Figures
Original art by: Alice Powell, Jan Attridge, David Hahn, and Heidi Sobanja
Learn a bit about Chief Blackstone, Sam Zimmerman Sr., Benny Ambrose & Helmer Aakvik.
Event will last about 2 hours, and snacks will be served afterward.
Brought to you by the Cook County Historical Society.