Garden Talk at Fairlawn
Fairlawn Mansion 906 E. 2nd, Superior, Wisconsin 54880
The Wild Wonders of the Douglas County Landscape: How They Formed, What Are They Made of, and How We Conserve Them for the Future. Presented by Jane Anklam.
Jane Anklam is the UW-Extension Horticulture Educator for Douglas County. She also serves as a Conservation Specialist for the Northwest Wisconsin Regional Land Trust. Join Jane to consider what makes our natural lands so special, what are the cool habitats of Douglas County, and what we can do to keep them part of our future! Be prepared to describe your favorite local “natural wonder” and what makes it so special. Jane has worked across the state of Wisconsin as a soil scientist and agronomist.
Cost is $10. Seating is limited, and sessions often sell out. Reservations recommended. Call 715-394-5712 for more information and to make your reservation.