Giant Digital Photography “Fall Colours” Weekend Workshop
Sleeping Giant Provincial Park Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
Giant Digital Photography “Fall Colours” Weekend Workshop will be Friday, September 26, to Sunday, September 28, and there is still time left to register. This session includes the opportunity to stay in the park’s Ranger Lodge nestled in nature. We’ll cover sunrise, sunset, night skies and visit park features and trails during the daytime, too. It’s a great opportunity to meet other photographers, share ideas and engulf yourself in photography for the weekend. Caters to all skill levels and camera types. This workshop is an intensive learning and practice session, under the guidance of pro photographer Barry Wojciechowski. This workshop is an information-packed, hands-on weekend to learn about photography, explore Sleeping Giant Provincial Park and practice your camera skills. To register, visit Or call 807-344-9208 or 1-866-688-9990.