June Art Exhibits: Thursday Painters and Kathleen Conover
City of Marquette Arts and Culture Center 217 Front Street, Marquette, Michigan 49855
The City of Marquette Arts and Culture Center announces its June LSAA Gallery exhibition: Thursday Painters, titled “Beauty is Everywhere.” This exhibit will feature paintings in acrylics, oils, alcohol inks, markers and watercolors. The Thursday Painters were organized over sixty years ago and current members are Marjorie Carlson, Esther Lepola, Shirley Michelson, Helen Steinhoff, and Penny Heffell.
The June SmallWorks Gallery will feature work by watermedia artist Kathleen Conover. Conover’s current series of work, “Marquette and Beyond: An Industrial Evolution” is an insightful vision of the changes America is undergoing in its technological and manufacturing industries. Inspired initially by the majestic iron ore docks and ships from her Marquette home, extensive international travels have now expanded her vision, concept and imagery. Conover holds signature status in the American Watercolor Society-Dolphin Fellow (AWS-DF), National Watercolor Society (NWS), Transparent Watercolor Society of America-Master Artist (TWSA-MA), International Society of Experimental Artists-Nautilus Fellow (ISEA-NF), and earned her Master of Arts Degree in Education from Northern Michigan University.
The exhibits will be running from June 1 to 25 with an opening artist reception on Thursday, June 2 at 6 to 8 p.m. The public is invited to attend and refreshments will be provided.
The City of Marquette Arts and Culture Center is located in the lower level of the Peter White Public Library. For more information or questions, please contact 906-228-0472 or email arts-culture@mqtcty.org.