Ninth Lundie Vacation Home Tour
Naniboujou Lodge & Restaurant 20 Naniboujou Trail, Grand Marais, Minnesota 55604
The Schroeder Area Historical Society will sponsor its ninth fundraising tour of Lundie and other vacation homes along the North Shore of Lake Superior. This year’s tour will move to "the tip of the Arrowhead" in the Hovland area, about 20 miles east of Grand Marais, Minnesota. Participants will be able to visit seven sites, ranging from historic cabins to architecturally designed vacation homes. The tour will start from the historic Naniboujou Lodge off Highway 61 and return later for a tour and talk about the lodge and a fixed-menu dinner in the beautiful Naniboujou dining room. Transportation is provided to all sites. In addition, participants will be able to visit a Lundie cabin on their own in the morning. The Lundie cabin is a beautiful example of Lundie’s work and was featured in Dale Mulfinger’s book, The Architecture of Edwin Lundie. Dale will once again be on the tour and will be available in the evening for informal conversations and book signing. Registration begins at 11 a.m. at Naniboujou Lodge, with introductions and boarding of buses at 12:30 p.m. A donation of $150 per person to SAHS is required, with an RSVP through the Cross River Heritage Center, 218-663-7706.