Water Tension and The Great Lakes Compact
Madeline Island Museum 226 Colonel Woods Ave., La Pointe, Wisconsin 54850
Peter Annin, co-director of the Northland College Mary Griggs Burke Center for Freshwater Innovation, will talk about the history of political maneuvers and water diversion schemes that have proposed sending Great Lakes water everywhere from Akron to Arizona — including the most recent proposal for a Waukesha diversion.
A veteran conflict and environmental journalist, Peter Annin spent more than a decade reporting on domestic terrorism and the environment for Newsweek. He later turned his attention to the Great Lakes and the Great Lakes Compact, a legal document released by the Council of Great Lakes Governors in December 2005.
The resulting book, The Great Lakes Water Wars, published in 2006, has been called the definitive work on the Great Lakes water diversion controversy.