Mary Carlin Dougherty / The Cookery Maven
Houghton Falls Magic
Mary Carlin Dougherty captured this magical scene at Houghton Falls State Natural Area in Wisconsin.
The magic of Houghton Falls
Mary Carlin Dougherty, on a spring adventure in northern Wisconsin:
It was the perfect day for a photo safari but we were fresh out of ideas. There’s still at least three feet of snow on the ground and while I’m all for an adventure, slogging through thigh deep snow was a little ambitious for us. And then, like all good things who come to people who are indecisive, Julie suggested Houghton Falls. The river had backed up, froze, and then made a break for the Lake through the recently unfrozen railroad culvert— leaving huge sheets of ice hanging in the trees.
On the levels
After more than 15 years of low water levels, Lake Superior is back above average.
Blough damaged by ice
Ice continues to slow vessel traffic on Lake Superior. An upbound convoy from Sault Ste. Marie covered only eight miles on Thursday. The Roger Blough was damaged by the heavy ice and returned to the Soo. More from Boatnerd.
+ John Myers, Duluth News Tribune: “The National Park Service has opted against an emergency genetic rescue of wolves on Isle Royale, and will instead conduct a long-term environmental review on the park’s diminished wolf population.”
+ Marquette, Michigan, is a finalist for an All-America City Award from the National Civic League.
+ The Thunder Bay Chronicle Journal: “Two Nip-Rock women who have crossed paths during their long-time efforts to promote their individual towns ended up at the same celebratory event Thursday.”
+ Todd Richmond, Associated Press: “Wisconsin wildlife officials want to give the state's invasive species list its first overhaul, proposing to relax efforts to eliminate the emerald ash borer but get tougher on nearly 90 other plants and animals.”
+ Ilsa Matthes, Escanaba Daily Press: “Despite a bitterly cold and seemingly endless winter causing a late start to the season, maple syrup production seems to be on track in the Upper Peninsula.”
+ “Munising students find sweet success,” reports WLUC’s Kelsey Niemisto in Michigan.