30 Years Ago
Marquette’s record high for the month of December is 60° F, set on December 3, 1982.
The coldest daily “high” temperature recorded in Duluth was -22° on January 6, 1982.
In Thunder Bay, December was the “warmest” month of 1982 relative to the long-term average of 22°F (-5.5° C). The monthly average that year was 26°F (-3.3° C).
Ashland, Wisconsin, record low temperature of -41° F occurred on January 17, 1982.
Around the Lake Notables
The Gathering Waters Conservancy Conservationist of the Year Award went to Bayfield, Wisconsin, area resident Ellen Kwiatkowski, executive director of Bayfield Regional Conservancy. Walking the talk, she and her husband manage an organic blueberry farm protected through the Town of Bayfield’s Farmland Preservation Program.
The president and CEO of Visit Duluth, Terry Mattson, earned the 2012 “Vision Award for Leadership” from Meetings: Minnesota’s Hospitality Journal in recognition of his efforts to establish Duluth as a city “Open for Business” after June flash flooding. The marketing campaign not only helped to preserve summer tourism, but to see a 5 percent increase in tourism tax collections for July 2012 over July 2011.
A Lakehead University sociology professor from Thunder Bay had a brush with royalty. Chris Southcott hosted Prince Albert II of Monaco on his October visit to Nunavut and northern Quebec. Chris heads the Knowledge and Dialogue programs of the University of the Arctic and is chair of the Research Outreach Program.