Worthy Causes
Whitefish Point Lighthouse, one of the oldest operating lights on Lake Superior, needs restoration, and Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society is making it happen. The Whitefish Point Light Tower Restoration recently received a second award from the Michigan Lighthouse Assistance Program, a $40,000 grant that will cover about 40 percent of the Phase II of the restoration. Among fixes planned for summer 2011 are sanding to bare metal, repair and repainting of the entire skeletal frame of the tower, the spiral staircase cylinder and all metal foundation anchor components. One way interested people can help raise the remaining money for the project is to pay $250 to dedicate a stair of the spiral staircase in memory or in recognition of a loved one. A sponsor plaque will be placed in the Lightkeepers Quarters. Contact Sean Ley, 800-635-1742, for information or find out more at www.shipwreckmuseum.com.