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Best of the Lake by You, Our Readers & Social Media Friends
Lots of surveys and support came in this year. Find out who the favorites are along all four shores in attractions, lodgings, eateries and more.
Beyond Borders by Gary Alan Nelson
Photographer Gary Alan Nelson takes us full circle around Lake Superior with images captured in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Ontario.
Creepy Good by Bick Smith
Michigan Paranormal Convention has grown from a few friends fascinated by spooky things to the country’s largest paranormal-focused convention.
Bring It Home to the Lake
Home Design: Going Small(er) by Konnie LeMay
With building materials skyrocketing, going small might be an option for those building second homes (or primary ones) on the shore. A shoreside rental could let you test the tiny waters before you decide.
Home Finance: Nimble, Knowledgeable & Now by Konnie LeMay
Regional real estate agents and a mortgage specialist give some advice about shopping in a superheated housing market.
Home Systems: Turn Up the Heat by Konnie LeMay
See the expert tips to curb costs regardless of your heating system.
Home Office: Make Your Home ‘Work’ by Felicia Schneiderhan
Two interior designers share ideas on creating a functional work space within your home for pandemic-proof options when staying home.
Home Wellness: Do A Home Health Check by Felicia Schneiderhan
Ferret out 4 offenders that can make you less healthy within your home.
Lake Superior Living
Recipe Box: Joyful Kitchens by Felicia Schneiderhan
Beth Dooley, our usual Recipe Box writer, becomes the subject of the story when she talks about her newest cookbook and its inspiration … plus her tasty Ginger Maple Squash Soup recipe.
Behind the Pages
Welcome to the Big Lake: Can’t Wait to Go in Circles by Konnie LeMay
Around the Circle Trans Superior Race; Cutters Come & Go
Reviews: Local U.P. & Loon Love
Heritage: Standing with Stannard Rock by Konnie LeMay
Lake Superior Journal: A Man of Steel by Calvin McShane
By the Shores: Near Christmas, Michigan by John McCormick
Travel Mnnesota: Moments of Zen by Molly Hoeg
Travel & Events: by Felicia Schneiderhan
Lake Superior Marketplace
View•Point: Weathering the Storm by Laurie Jacobson