Here’s a way to support two worthy causes with one water bottle. The Lake Superior State University’s Student Athletic Training Association will share funds raised through sale of a $10 metal water bottle to the Leader Dogs for the Blind Foundation. LSSU is in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. The inspiration for the shared wealth came from association member Katia Locke, who is raising Atlas (seen here lounging with Katia and the water bottles) for the Leader Dog group. Atlas is nearly a year old, but Katia got him when he was just a big-pawed 3-month-old. “He became a part of our family last March when the Leader Dog organization gave him to Katia for training,” says LSSU athletic training professor Joe Susi. Katia, from Brimley, Michigan, is a junior in the athletic training program and a puppy trainer. “It means a lot to me," Katia says. “All of my professors have been really supportive of me bringing Atlas to class and all the students love him.” As long as the water bottles last, you can order them from Joe at jsusi@lssu.edu. The final cost will include a shipping fee. Find out more about the Leader Dog program, which is based in Rochester Hills, Michigan, at www.leaderdog.org.