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Gently rolling hills on Highway 13 reveal wide-angle scenic views.
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Wisconsin Map
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Bayfield’s orchard loop.
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Highway 236.
Highway 13 to Bayfield Orchard Loop
Wisconsin Highway 13 is a delightful drive from U.S. 2 near Superior along the Wisconsin shore of Lake Superior and up the Bayfield Peninsula to the County J loop through Bayfield’s orchard farms.
Miles: 85
Approximate driving time: 2 hours
Tree mix and colors
On the west side of the highway is a boreal forest mix of aspen and conifers, such as balsam fir and spruce, making for a pretty color contrast of green and gold or yellow leaves, says Jay Gallagher of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Scattered throughout are white pine and red maple to help create a mix of greens, yellows and reds.
Look to the south ridgeline (on your right as you head to Bayfield) and this area, covered by farmland, contains oak trees with leaves that turn scarlet in fall. Openings in the trees on the lake side of the highway allow brief views of Lake Superior. A couple of pulloffs allow for stops and longer viewing and shooting pictures.
Eventually the road moves over gently rolling hills that reveal wide-angle scenic views. The lower spots are filled with aspen, fir and spruce, and then up the hill you get oaks and sugar maples, and later even the deep greens of hemlock and cedar, starting near Cornucopia.
To tour Bayfield’s fruit and flower orchards, turn right onto County Road J just before entering Bayfield. Drive north and west to find the orchards on J and I (as well as Betzold Road or Myers-Olson Road). County J circles arounds the orchard farms and reconnects with Wisconsin 13 just south of Bayfield. The orchard loop runs about 5 miles. Trees include oak with scarlet leaves, the golden yellow of sugar maples and the fields of apple trees displaying their fruit.
Best time for colors
The best color days normally are the second and third weeks of September into early October, but oak trees turn a little later, closer to October.
Take time to check out the villages of Port Wing, Herbster and Cornucopia and their fun shops and art galleries. Other highlights include the sand beaches in Herbster and other towns. The Apostle Islands’ sea caves can be accessed via Meyers Beach Road, about 4 miles east of Cornucopia. Do take time to check out the apple orchards and fruit farms along the hilltop above Bayfield, where you’ll find fresh berries in summer; in fall, it’s apples and apple products, flowers, wine, antiques and nice views.
Wisconsin 27 in the Brule River State Forest, running south from U.S. 2.
Highway H south from Iron River to Delta Lakes.
Scenic Highway 236 between Iron River and Ashland, north of U.S. 2.
Delta-Drummond Road.
Highway 1 to Wanless Road & Ely