Lake Superior Magazine has been published since 1979, now produced by Lake Superior Publishing LLC. We are a regional magazine, editorially concentrating on the region around Lake Superior, which includes Michigan, Minnesota, Ontario and Wisconsin, usually within 50 to 100 miles of the lakeshore. We have subscribers in all of the states, all of the provinces plus more than 26 foreign countries. We are also distributed throughout the U.S. and Canada on selected newsstands.
We write about people, places and events. We have articles on travel, history, life styles, environment, business, current events and a wide range of interests. Our readers are generally well educated and slightly "upscale." The average age of our readers is early 50s, although we have large numbers of all ages, but few below the age of 21. We are noted for our excellent reproduction of color photography, as well as well-edited articles. We have a large freelance contributor base, and we attempt to include reader participation in many of the things we do, which includes naming the best places to visit.
Annually, we produce the Lake Superior Travel Guide, a complete information source about the Lake Superior Circle Tour, a 1,300-mile-plus route around the Great Lake. We have produced the Travel Guide since 1988. We also produce books, maps, calendars, Circle Tour merchandise and some other related products, with two or three book titles being added to the list each year.