Minnesota Historical Society Press
One Frozen Lake
By Deborah Jo Larson
Illus. by Steve Johnson & Lou Fancher
Minnesota Historical Society Press
ISBN: 978-0-87351-866-6
$16.95 Hardcover
My male relatives would say you can never start ’em too young – for ice fishing. While I’ve never understood the thrill of sitting on the ice and dropping a line through a small hole, I well recognize this recreation as an Up North classic.
In this colorful children’s book, Deborah Jo Larson reveals some of the true fun of ice fishing, which is to spend time with Grandpa and his friends. The suspense comes with the question of whether a fish will ever show up, and when it does (as you knew it would), well, the ending takes a wee twist.
Just like ice fishing, this book will be the most fun as a “read to” rather than a “read alone” activity. And see if your child would come to the same conclusion as the boy in this book.