December / January 2017
On the cover: New snow contributes to the stunning interplay of water, land and sky at “The Rock” in Minnesota. Photo by Bryan Hansel.
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Celebrating Breads by Beth Dooley
The holiday season brings with it the sweet scents of Christmas breads, from traditional Scandinavian Julbrød to brandy-soaked fruitcake.
First Flakes
Fresh snows any time of winter transform the landscape, as these regional photographers reveal in the beauty of their winter scenes.
Monkeying Around by Konnie LeMay
Inspired by her day job at a Duluth hardware store, illustrator Chris Monroe found her calling with the Monkey with a Tool Belt books.
Restaurants: Their Kind of Grandma by Konnie LeMay
40 years and counting for a groundbreaking Canal Park eatery. Get the backstory about Grandma’s family of restaurants.
On Stage: Behind the Scenes by Bob Berg
What does it take to put on the shows at our region’s theaters? Months of preparation and community commitment.
Lodging: The Ford Bungalow by Tia Osweiler
Henry Ford’s secluded retreat thrives today as a waterfront inn.
Entertainment: Grit & Grimace by Phil Bencomo
A locally produced web series shows off U.P. terrain and talent.
The Listings
Details on regional restaurants, lodgings, destinations, events and recreation on all four shores.
Home: All Inn by Claire Duquette
A Chicago couple finds a happy semiretirement running a Bayfield B&B.
Superior Catches: Ornamentally Ours
Hang a bit of local cheer from your Christmas tree.
Health & Wellness: Fortunate Fillings by Felicia Schneiderhan
Dentists fill in the gaps, even among the rural towns around the Big Lake.
Behind the Pages
Welcome to the Big Lake: A Circular Achievement by Konnie LeMay
Around the Circle by Phil Bencomo
Lake Superior Journal: Everything Will Be Owl Right by Mike Mikulich
By the Shores: Temperance River to Big Lake by John Alexander Kay
Reviews: Our Annual Children’s Book List
Travel & Events by Bob Berg
Lake Superior Marketplace
View•Point: Varied from the Usual by Paul Nelson
Listen to our interview with Brian Daugherty, president of Grandma’s Restaurants.